
Adobe Muse?
› create a website without a single line of code
simple way to create website that looks great
customize in easy way similar to Indesign

  • Site › add and order pages
    Default › Desktop / 960px
    Web diagram › plan the number of pages that we have and how they relate to each other.
  1. add pages - [+] on the right of the Home page.
  2. add sub-pages - [+] at the bottom of the page.
  • Master page › control overall website, add menu here, site background grid etc.
  1. Double-click the Master Page in Diagram View and this takes into Design View.
  2. Add menu here ( On the bottom right )
    Under the category Menu, choose Horizontal and drag and drop it on the page.
    Muse will automatically create a menu.

  • Design › add elements, images, text, menu, slideshow and lightbox widgets
  1. Image
    - File › Place and insert the image and resize
    2.   Slideshow and lightbox
    - Remove the default images and insert your own (Double click on the thumbnail image and delete)
    - Select transition options
  • Preview › uses the webkit engine to show what it looks like in a browser
    Preview renders the website that we’ve designed so far into a simulated browser.
    - File › Test Site in Browser to test the application in your default browser

    Could be designed in different versions for mobile and desktop, etc.
    All of those pages should belong to each other (consistency),
    But They have different needs at the same time !

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