Images for web
  • Crop & resize
  • Reduce noise, smart blur & smart sharpen
  • Levels, curves, Hue / Saturation & colorize
  • Adobe Illustrator graphics / save for web / icons to transparent PNG's

    JPEG = Joint Photography Experts Group

  • Crop & resize
  • Reduce noise
  • Smart blur
  • Smart sharpen
  • Hue / Saturation & colorize
    Hue/ Saturation can change overall hue.
    or Colourise.

  • Levels & curves
  • Save for web
    Small size is better for network including web, mobile, etc.
    When you choose the quality of an image,
    › Is that okay or damaged ?
    + JPEG
    + PNG
PNG's advantages for Web application: Transparent graphics works well on different backgrounds, and it is widely used on the web. Even though both PNG and GIF formats can produce transparent effects, the PNG format really has three main advantages over GIF: alpha channels (variable transparency), gamma correction (cross-platform control of image brightness), and two-dimensional interlacing (a method of progressive display). PNG also compresses better than GIF.

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