What is user interface?
The user interface (UI) is everything designed into an information device with which a human being may interact -- including display screen, keyboard, mouse, light pen, the appearance of a desktop, illuminated characters, help messages, and how an application program or a Web site invites interaction and responds to it.

Searched on dribble.com

Great place to see what other people has done and learn from them.
Great place to get inspiration for my own design.

  • Colour swatch bar
  • Tags about the work you are looking at
  • File details including extension, file size.
  • Share various responses
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Adobe Edge Suite
Many products from adobe have been introduced including Edge Reflow, Edge Animate, Edge code, and so on. They all might be using for different purpose but they have been developed to more designer and visual friendly.
Here are some examples for some features they are introducing.

Adobe Edge code would make designers feel much easier to design their website. Every single words had to be typed and found how to code for creating their website before. But now every single code would be highlighted on the browser at the same time. It would let us know what it is for on the browser.

In addition, Adobe Edge Reflow CC also intended for the responsive website with various features. One of the features is colour bar. It helps UI designer break down what happen in their layout that should be differentiated every different devices.

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