Overall, the website of 'AREA 17' has clean, modern concept with the high contrast among the elements. All elements flow around it to the left. Their concept could be noticed that they have been focusing on typographical aspect rather than graphic.
A good hierarchy is created by differentiating bold, colours, point sizes, lines, layout, and so on.

In terms of use of colour, using minimal colour scheme is used through entire website effectively. Uses of minimal colour including black, white, gray, navy and red emphasise photographs in full colour. Furthermore, a high contrast is created between black at the side of the website and white background. A hierarchy is created by some texts in navy colour. But I think It would be better if they use less navy colour for making the website a bit less complicated.

The layout of this web page was really interesting to me. All elements including text boxes, images, and white background are aligned to the left. Furthermore, Thin red line over the page, the direction of that are intended that the website could avoid flatness. But I think the position of 'Home' between menu bar and body contents distracts from reading a whole web page.

In terms of typeface, sans serif typeface is used through the entire website. It creates a good readability, legibility with a good hierarchy. Using serif typeface, italic, bold creates the good hierarchy.

In terms of interactive element, the photographs and texts stay highlighted in yellow when cursor is put on the buttons in menu bar, any link. The users might notice shortly if those texts with yellow highlight could be part of link.

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