Overall, the website of 'The Drop Studio' has simple, modern, strong concept. The clear navigation through an entire website is created with a good hierarchy by differentiating colours, font sizes, underline, layout, and so on.

In terms of use of colour, a grayscale colour scheme is used through entire website. Furthermore, a high contrast is created between black box and white background. The photographs might be well considered for their overall concept by using gray background, and low contrast (greyish photographs). However, the colours of social media icons are dominant compared to other contents on this website. It could be changed to simple colour which suits to this website or have rollover image effect.

In terms of typeface, sans serif is used for both heading, body text. It creates a good readability, legibility with a good hierarchy. But underlined text in their subheading and tiny texts in dark gray at the bottom might distract from reading contents.

In terms of layout, most elements aligned to the center and some text boxes are left-aligned. I assume that the whole shape of text alignment on the first page is intended for the shape of raindrop.

In terms of interactive element, a variety of works they have done is shown with slideshows on the first page. When the specific image is clicked, it takes the viewer to the work details they chose. The photographs are faded out when cursor is put on that picture. The users might notice if those images could be part of link.

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