According to the article, we could find how web design of the mid-’90s have influenced on today's web same as that type­writer habits have influenced on to­day’s doc­u­ments. Most habits came from the me­chan­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions that I have not realized before I read this article. Even though the technology has been continuously developed, those habits still exist.

The writer of this article tried to show the audiences how we could set these habits aside with written and designed examples. Those simply presented lists and images helped me to compare before and after clearly.

This article helped me to understand why we have been doing this for web design and how the technology has changed in terms of the web. Furthermore, the list of habits make me realize not only that those habits could be found from everywhere including book design, magazines and my designs, but also I could try to fix these habits for better design with the consideration of technology.

Abandon obsolete habits  ›

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    My name is Eugenie, I am a third year design student at RMIT uni.


    August 2013

